Sometimes you see something so simple—and so brilliant—that you wonder ‘why did nobody else think of this?’ In the modular ‘Broadway’ sofa, by Dutch designer Roderick Vos, the transitions from the front to the side and the side to the back are not square or rounded, but chamfered at a 45 degree angle. Thanks to its ‘plump’ but straightforward shape, ‘Broadway’ is the perfect combination of organic and cubist—a powerful silhouette, underlined by a thick cord.

Sometimes you see something so simple—and so brilliant—that you wonder ‘why did nobody else think of this?’

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Lead Time *

12+ weeks



Living Room

* Lead times are estimates only and are effected by supplier delays, stock shortages, overseas public holidays and holiday periods etc. Hence we are unable to accept any liability for failure to deliver products within the specified lead time.


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